Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAggregate< Type_ >Calculate running aggregate statistics: feed it with values, and it will keep the minimum, the maximum, the average, the value number, and the standard deviation is values
 CAggregateMinMax< Type_ >Calculate running aggregate statistics: feed it with values, and it will keep the minimum and the maximum values
 CStackArena< Size >::AlignmentHelperUnion to enforce alignment of buffer area
 CAllocatorBase< Type >
 CArgumentBool final public Argument
 CArgumentBytes32 final public Argument
 CArgumentBytes64 final public Argument
 CArgumentDouble final public Argument
 CArgumentFloat final public Argument
 CArgumentInt final public Argument
 CArgumentSizeT final public Argument
 CArgumentString final public Argument
 CArgumentStringlist final public Argument
 CArgumentUnsigned final public Argument
 CBitArray< Size >A BitArray of fixed size supporting reading, setting, and clearing of individual bits
 CBitArray< num_buckets >
 CBitArrayRecursive< Size, SizeIsAtmost64 >Internal implementation of BitArray; do not invoke directly
 CBitArrayRecursive< Size, false >
 CBitArrayRecursive< Size, true >
 CBTree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Traits, Duplicates, Allocator >Basic class implementing a B+ tree data structure in memory
 CBTree< key_type, value_type, key_of_value, key_compare, traits, false, allocator_type >
 CBTree< key_type, value_type, key_of_value, key_compare, traits, true, allocator_type >
 Cbtree_default_traits< Key, Value >Generates default traits for a B+ tree used as a set or map
 Cbtree_map< Key_, Data_, Compare_, Traits_, Alloc_ >Specialized B+ tree template class implementing STL's map container
 Cbtree_multimap< Key_, Data_, Compare_, Traits_, Alloc_ >Specialized B+ tree template class implementing STL's multimap container
 Cbtree_multiset< Key_, Compare_, Traits_, Alloc_ >Specialized B+ tree template class implementing STL's multiset container
 Cbtree_set< Key_, Compare_, Traits_, Alloc_ >Specialized B+ tree template class implementing STL's set container
 CBucketComputation< Radix, Int >
 CBucketComputation< Radix, ranked_key_type >
 CCallForRangeImpl< Index, Size, Functor >Helper for call_for_range: general recursive case
 CCallForRangeImpl< Index, 0, Functor >Helper for call_for_range: base case
 CBTree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Traits, Duplicates, Allocator >::const_iteratorSTL-like read-only iterator object for B+ tree items
 CBTree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Traits, Duplicates, Allocator >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL-like read-only reverse iterator object for B+ tree items
 CCountingPtr< Type, Deleter >High-performance smart pointer used as a wrapping reference counting pointer
 CCountingPtrDefaultDeleterDefault deleter for CountingPtr
 CCountingPtrNoOperationDeleterDummy deleter for CountingPtr
 CCS_IfSwap< Comparator >Conditional swap implementation used for sorting networks: trivial portable C++ implementation with custom comparison method and std::swap()
 CDAryAddressableIntHeap< KeyType, Arity, Compare >This class implements an addressable integer priority queue, precisely a d-ary heap
 CDAryHeap< KeyType, Arity, Compare >This class implements a d-ary comparison-based heap usable as a priority queue
 CDelegate< T, Allocator >
 CDelegate< R(A...), Allocator >This is a faster replacement than std::function
 CDelegate< void(size_t)>
 Cenable_if< bool, T >SFINAE enable_if – copy of std::enable_if<> with less extra cruft
 Cenable_if< true, T >
 CexceptionSTL class
 CFunctionChain< Functors >A FunctionChain is a chain of functors that can be folded to a single functors
 CFunctionStack< Input_, Functors >A FunctionStack is a chain of functor that can be folded to a single functor (which is usually optimize by the compiler)
 CGenericCharStringSetTraits< CharType >Traits class implementing StringSet concept for char* and unsigned char* strings
 Cguarded_iterator< RandomAccessIterator, Comparator >Iterator wrapper supporting an implicit supremum at the end of the sequence, dominating all comparisons
 Chas_ostream_operator< typename, typename >SFINAE magic helper for wrap_unprintable()
 Chash< tlx::StringView >
 Cindex_sequence< Indexes >
 CIntegerRank< Int >Compute the rank of an integer x (i.e
 CBTree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Traits, Duplicates, Allocator >::iteratorSTL-like iterator object for B+ tree items
 Cbtree_map< Key_, Data_, Compare_, Traits_, Alloc_ >::key_of_valueKey Extractor Struct
 Cbtree_multimap< Key_, Data_, Compare_, Traits_, Alloc_ >::key_of_valueKey Extractor Struct
 Cbtree_multiset< Key_, Compare_, Traits_, Alloc_ >::key_of_valueKey Extractor Struct
 Cbtree_set< Key_, Compare_, Traits_, Alloc_ >::key_of_valueKey Extractor Struct
 Cless_icase_ascCase-insensitive less order relation functional class for std::map, etc
 Cless_icase_descDescending case-insensitive less order relation functional class for std::map, etc
 CLevenshteinStandardICaseParametersStandard parameters to Levenshtein distance function
 CLevenshteinStandardParametersStandard parameters to levenshtein distance function
 Clexicographic< T1, T2, Comparator >Compare a pair of types lexicographically, ascending
 Clexicographic< T1, T2, Comparator >Compare a pair of types lexicographically, ascending
 Clexicographic_rev< T1, T2, Comparator >Compare a pair of types lexicographically, descending
 Clexicographic_rev< T1, T2, Comparator >Compare a pair of types lexicographically, descending
 CLog2< Input >
 CLog2< 0 >
 CLog2< 1 >
 CLog2Floor< Input >
 CLog2Floor< 0 >
 CLog2Floor< 1 >
 CLoggerLOG and sLOG for development and debugging
 CLoggerFormatter< AnyType, Enable >Template class for formatting. contains a print() method
 CLoggerFormatter< AnyType >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::array< T, N > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::deque< T, A > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::map< K, V, C, A > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::multimap< K, V, C, A > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::multiset< T, C, A > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::pair< A, B > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::set< T, C, A > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::tuple< Args... > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::tuple<> >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::unordered_map< K, V, H, E, A > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::unordered_multimap< K, V, H, E, A > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::unordered_multiset< T, H, E, A > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::unordered_set< T, H, E, A > >
 CLoggerFormatter< std::vector< T, A > >
 CLoggerOutputHookAbstract class to implement output hooks for logging
 CLoggerPrefixHookAbstract class to implement prefix output hooks for logging
 CLoserTreePointerUnguardedBase< ValueType, Comparator >::LoserInternal representation of a loser tree player/node
 CLoserTreeCopyBase< ValueType, Comparator >::LoserInternal representation of a loser tree player/node
 CLoserTreePointerBase< ValueType, Comparator >::LoserInternal representation of a loser tree player/node
 CLoserTreeCopyUnguardedBase< ValueType, Comparator >::LoserInternal representation of a loser tree player/node
 CLoserTreeCopyBase< ValueType, Comparator >Guarded loser tree/tournament tree, either copying the whole element into the tree structure, or looking up the element via the index
 CLoserTreeCopyUnguardedBase< ValueType, Comparator >Unguarded loser tree, copying the whole element into the tree structure
 CLoserTreePointerBase< ValueType, Comparator >Guarded loser tree, using pointers to the elements instead of copying them into the tree nodes
 CLoserTreePointerUnguardedBase< ValueType, Comparator >Unguarded loser tree, keeping only pointers to the elements in the tree structure
 CLoserTreeSwitch< Stable, ValueType, Comparator, Enable >
 CLruCacheMap< Key, Value, Alloc >This is an expected O(1) LRU cache which contains a map of (key -> value) elements
 CLruCacheSet< Key, Alloc >This is an expected O(1) LRU cache which contains a set of key-only elements
 Cmake_index_sequence_helper< CurrentIndex, Indexes >
 Cmake_index_sequence_helper< 0, Indexes... >
 CMD5MD-5 processor without external dependencies
 CPS5SmallsortJob< Context, StringPtr, BktSizeType >::MKQSStep
 CMultiTimerMultiTimer can be used to measure time usage of different phases in a program or algorithm
 CBTree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Traits, Duplicates, Allocator >::nodeThe header structure of each node in-memory
 CSplayTree< Key, Compare, Duplicates, Allocator >::NodeSplay tree node, also seen as public iterator
 CNoOperation< ReturnType >The noop functor, which takes any arguments and does nothing
 CNoOperation< void >Specialized noop functor which returns a void
 CPairKeyExtract< KeyType, DataType >Used as an adapter to implement RadixHeapPair on top of RadixHeap
 CPerfectTreeCalculations< TreeBits >Class to transform in-order to level-order indexes in a perfect binary tree
 CPMWMSPiece< DiffType >Subsequence description
 CPMWMSSortingData< RandomAccessIterator >Data accessed by all threads
 CPolynomialRegression< Type, WithStore >::Point2D point
 CPolynomialRegression< Type, WithStore >Calculate the regression polynomial \( a_0+a_1x^1+a_2x^2+\cdots+a_nx^n \) from a list of 2D points
 CPS5ParametersDefaultParallel Super Scalar String Sample Sort Parameter Struct
 CPS5SortStepPS5SortStep Top-Level Class to Keep Track of Substeps
 CRadixHeap< ValueType, KeyExtract, KeyType, Radix >This class implements a monotonic integer min priority queue, more specific a multi-level radix heap
 CRadixStep_CE0< StringShadowPtr >
 CRadixStep_CE2< StringShadowPtr >
 CRadixStep_CE3< StringShadowPtr >
 CRadixStep_CI2< StringPtr >
 CRadixStep_CI3< StringPtr >
 CStackAllocator< Type, Size >::rebind< Other >Required rebind
 CReferenceCounterProvides reference counting abilities for use with CountingPtr
 CBTree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Traits, Duplicates, Allocator >::result_tB+ tree recursive deletion has much information which is needs to be passed upward
 CBTree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Traits, Duplicates, Allocator >::reverse_iteratorSTL-like mutable reverse iterator object for B+ tree items
 CRingBuffer< Type, Allocator >A ring (circular) buffer of static (non-growing) size
 CScopedMultiTimerIndependent RAII Scoped MultiTimer: contains a MultiTimer which is started with the given timer, and added to the base MultiTimer on destruction
 CScopedMultiTimerSwitchRAII Scoped MultiTimer switcher: switches the timer of a MultiTimer on construction and back to old one on destruction
 CSemaphoreA simple semaphore implementation using C++11 synchronization methods
 CPS5SmallsortJob< Context, StringPtr, BktSizeType >::SeqSampleSortStepStack of Recursive Sample Sort Steps
 CSHA1SHA-1 processor without external dependencies
 CSHA256SHA-256 processor without external dependencies
 CSHA512SHA-512 processor without external dependencies
 CSimpleVector< ValueType, Mode >Simpler non-growing vector without initialization
 CSimpleVector< DiffType >
 CSimpleVector< std::thread >
 CSimpleVector< tlx::LoserTreeCopyBase::Loser >
 CSimpleVector< tlx::LoserTreeCopyUnguardedBase::Loser >
 CSimpleVector< tlx::LoserTreePointerBase::Loser >
 CSimpleVector< tlx::LoserTreePointerUnguardedBase::Loser >
 CSimpleVector< tlx::SimpleVector< size_t > >
 CSimpleVector< tlx::SimpleVector< tlx::parallel_mergesort_detail::PMWMSPiece< DiffType > > >
 CSimpleVector< tlx::SimpleVector< uint16_t > >
 CSimpleVector< uint8_t >
 CSimpleVector< ValueType * >
 CSimpleVector< ValueType >
 CSpacingLoggerA logging class which outputs spaces between elements pushed via operator<<
 CSplayTree< Key, Compare, Duplicates, Allocator >
 CSSClassifyEqualUnroll< key_type, TreeBits >Sample Sort Classification Tree Unrolled with Equal Comparisons
 CSSClassifyTreeCalcUnrollInterleave< key_type, TreeBits, Rollout >Sample Sort Classification Tree Unrolled, Interleaved, and with Perfect Tree Index Calculations
 CSSClassifyTreeUnrollInterleave< key_type, TreeBits, Rollout >Sample Sort Classification Tree Unrolled and Interleaved
 CSSTreeBuilderLevelOrder< key_type, num_splitters >Recursive TreeBuilder for full-descent and unrolled variants, constructs only a level-order binary tree of splitters
 CSSTreeBuilderPreAndLevelOrder< key_type, num_splitters >Recursive TreeBuilder for full-descent and unrolled variants, constructs a both a pre-order and level-order array of splitters and the corresponding LCPs
 CStackArena< Size >Storage area allocated on the stack and usable by a StackAllocator
 CStaticIndex< Index >Helper for call_foreach_with_index() to save the index as a compile-time index
 CStdStringSetTraitsClass implementing StringSet concept for a std::string objects
 CStringLcpPtr< StringSet_, LcpType_ >Objectified string and LCP array pointer arrays
 CStringPtr< StringSet_ >Objectified string array pointer array
 CStringSetBase< StringSet, Traits >Base class for common string set functions, included via CRTP
 CStringSetBase< GenericCharStringSet< CharType >, GenericCharStringSetTraits< CharType > >
 CStringSetBase< StdStringSet, StdStringSetTraits >
 CStringSetBase< StringSuffixSet, StringSuffixSetTraits >
 CStringSetBase< UPtrStdStringSet, UPtrStdStringSetTraits >
 CStringShadowLcpPtr< StringSet_, LcpType_ >Objectified string array pointer and shadow pointer array for out-of-place swapping of pointers
 CStringShadowPtr< StringSet_ >Objectified string array pointer and shadow pointer array for out-of-place swapping of pointers
 CStringSuffixSetTraitsClass implementing StringSet concept for suffix sorting indexes of a std::string text object
 CStringViewStringView is a reference to a part of a string, consisting of only a char pointer and a length
 CThreadBarrierMutexImplements a thread barrier using mutex locking and condition variables that can be used to synchronize threads
 CThreadBarrierSpinImplements a thread barrier using atomics and a spin lock that can be used to synchronize threads
 CThreadPoolThreadPool starts a fixed number p of std::threads which process Jobs that are enqueued into a concurrent job queue
 CBTree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Traits, Duplicates, Allocator >::tree_statsA small struct containing basic statistics about the B+ tree
 Cunguarded_iterator< RandomAccessIterator, Comparator >
 CUPtrStdStringSetTraitsClass implementing StringSet concept for a std::unique_ptr<std::string objects, which are non-copyable
 CBTree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Traits, Duplicates, Allocator >::value_compareFunction class to compare value_type objects. Required by the STL
 Cvector< T >STL class
 CVMapForRangeImpl< Index, Size, Functor >Helper for vmap_for_range: general recursive case
 CVMapForRangeImpl< Index, 0, Functor >Helper for vmap_for_range: base case